Jane, Hurrell, Esquire, and the Pioneer Safety Device Corp.
Year of Jane Russell: Day 37
The Hurrell haystack photos of Jane were alluring enough that one of them was used as a foldout in the June 1942 issue of Esquire. The staying power of these images was evident early on with the reuse of the Esquire exposure on this handout the following year for the Pioneer Safety Device Corp. Their use of the term “hay” to advertise their services is a stretch, but if nothing else, Jane certainly makes it eye catching! Of note is the credit to both Esquire and 20th Century-Fox who initially were going to distribute The Outlaw, but dropped out as the release of the film dragged out and the censorship issues intensified.
For being almost eighty years old, this handout, printed on a thick card stock has held up quite well. While the Pioneer Safety Device Corp seems to be long gone, the fetching Transportation Building located at 7th and Los Angeles streets in downtown L.A. is still alive and well!